Friday, April 29, 2011

1) Name something you lost or gave away that can never be replaced

Something I lost or gave away that can never be replaced, is my time.

I continuously give my time to people who don't care.  I try so hard to help people, to make a difference, to matter, and in the end I get hurt more often than not.  This isn't saying that I regret my lost time, because I don't.  If I had it to do over again, I'd do it just the same.

Giving is one of the most rewarding things a human can do.  Give your time to someone who needs it.  Give your money to charities who could use it.  Give your home to a child without one.  I don't mean all of it, only as much as you are able.  We live in a world where WE are the center and everything else revolves around us, but that's not reality.  We are self centered and stingy and disgusting as a race.  Instead of helping our neighbors, we wait until they are weak and take everything we possibly can from them.

We are violent.  We are dirty.  We are vain and petty.  If everyone took the time to give back to their community, we could change the world.  You know what the best part is?

You don't have to give anything big!!!!

Take some books to the library.  Donate clothes that you or your family members have grown out of.  Volunteer at your local community center.  Help an elderly person with their groceries.

If you want to go bigger, DO IT!  Habitat for Humanity is always looking for volunteers.  Go into the Peace Corps for two years.  Get a little brother or sister at Big Brother Big Sister.  Adopt a child from a third world country.  Go with the Red Cross to clean up in Alabama.

All it takes is one voice to start a revolution.  Give away your time.  Get off the couch, turn off the television, and do something in your community to make the world a better place.  Let's start a revolution to make the world a better place.

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