Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dear American Citizens......WAKE UP AND GROW UP

Want to know what the problem is with American's these days?  LOOK AROUND!
Watch the news.
 Look at magazines.  
Get online. 

What's wrong with America?  We are so focused on little things that are so terribly insignificant and we totally forget about what really matters.

My grandmother watches the news all day, every day, with very few exceptions.  I am constantly bombarded by headlines such as, Democrats frustrated with Weiner, and, Shipwreck Diver Plans Mission to find Bin Laden's Body, and, Hollywood's Anorexia Epidemic.  Common America.  Really?!  This is what you want to know about?  

What happened to concern over cuts in education and economic growth?  Oh yea, I totally forgot.  The general public doesn't care anymore!!  This is exactly what they want from you, people!  Our government is very concerned about you.  They watch closely to what you do.  What outrages you.  Your reactions to news, both local and nationwide.  And they give you what you want.  High schools graduating kids who cannot read nor write?  WHO CARES when there is poor idiot in office sending pictures of himself to women over the internet?  So what if congress is cutting teaching positions in your state and cutting public services in order to line their pockets and fund projects that do absolutely nothing for the general population?  Brittany Spears cut off all her hair and had another mental break down!  WAY more interesting than things that really matter!!

This isn't how we should be spending our time.  READ THE CONSTITUTION.  DISCRIMINATION is what you are exercising by not allowing EVERYONE to marry whomever they want.  It is not hurting you in any way, shape, or form, so get over it.  If a senator wants to send pictures of himself to women online, he has the right to do that.  Maybe it's not the best idea, but I guarantee that if we were to go through EVERY SINGE ONE of our congressmen and women's computers, we would find something inappropriate on most, if not all, of them.   Mostly affairs, if I do say so myself.  Or hidden children.  Or the occasional gay lover.  Get over it.  Congressmen and women are humans too.  They make mistakes.  They have poor judgement and they have the right to exercise that poor judgement.

What we really need to focus on, people, is our lacking standards.   
"Compared to the rest of the world, the state of education in America is disappointing and embarrassing.
 After World War II, the United States’ had the number 1 high school graduation rate. Today, we have dropped to 
number 21
 among industrialized nations. American students rank 
25th in math
21st in science
 compared to students in 30 industrialized countries. Even America’s top math students rank 
25th out of 30
 when compared with the best students across the globe. While America spends more money each year on education, we are losing more and more American students. While we agree that no American student should be left out, written off or ignored, far too many of our poorest and minority students today still lack adequate resources to learn."

Do you see the problem, here??  How many of you have children in public schools today?   How often do you help them with their homework?  How often do you ASK about their homework?  How many of you care?  Did you know that many state governments are cutting education budgets which result in cutting teaching positions and larger classroom sizes?  Soon, teachers will be nothing more than baby sitters who pretty much do nothing more than keep kids from killing each other during working hours.

And what about our economy?  At one time, the US had the "worlds largest and most important economy" and yet, what happened?!  We tanked it.  Stock market crashes, bail outs, mistrust of banks, you name it.  Millions of jobs lost, and only thousands gained?  More and more people are drawing unemployment and not looking for another job until their checks run out.  Plus the government is spending money on projects that could wait just a little while longer.  in Weddington, NC, the town council decided to cut the funding for a fire station that would have been manned 24/7.  Instead, they are using that money, which would have brought the building up to standards and protected local residents during the night, is going to a music festival, landscaping, and, iPads for council members.  Does anyone else see something WRONG here?!  I can totally see how that conversation went:
"Our citizens don't need to worry about a fire at their homes overnight!  We have smart, responsible residents.  And anyway, if they DID have a fire, then they will just have to wait for neighboring counties to send a fire truck to put it out.  It will be FINE!  Me getting an iPad paid for by our citizens is WAY more important than their house and lives in the event of a late night fire.  All in favour?"
And still, Americans, as a whole, will continue to pretend that what they want doesn't really matter because they can't change anything because they have no power against anyone and no one listens and no one cares like they do and....and...and.....
I am sick and tired of hearing people say that one person can't make a difference.  That is definitely a FALSE statement.  It takes ONE voice to start a revolution.  It is never too late to make a difference somewhere.  Get involved in local politics and remind the government just WHO they work for.  Our government works for the people.  Not the other way around.  I think it's time we remembered that.

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