Thursday, July 14, 2011

What the Hell is a Hufflepuff?!

It is NO secret that I am a Harry Potter Fan Girl.  That's right, world, I am Harry Potter's BIGGEST FAN.  Take that, all you self proclaimed fan girls.  =)  Really though, I love the Wizarding world and everything to do with it.  It is ALSO no secret that the final installment is hitting theaters at midnight tonight.  I am going with two of my very best friends to see this momentous moment in history as the last movie of my childhood comes to the big screen.

When Harry Potter was in its infancy stages, before I was really old enough to read and understand the books, I tried to read the first one and I hated it.  It was the first book I tried to read and couldn't.  I was in elementary school then but it didn't matter to me.  I hated it.  One summer, as I sat around bored at my mom's house in Kentucky, she suggested I read the HP books.  I scoffed and made fun, but she was insistent, so I read them.  that summer, only four books were out and I wore out those spines.  My step-grandmother had them and I'm fairly certain I actually wore out the fourth books spine.  I was hooked.  Every summer that a new one came out, I was in KY and Carolyn would buy the new one for me.  I would have it read by the end of the day that I got it.  When the seventh book came out, I sat in a room for 8 or 9 hours and did nothing but read.  I cried at the end and every time a person died.  I gasped when the plot twisted.  It was a little bit ridiculous.  But I can't help it.  That's the kind of reader I am.  I get very into it.  That's how you know I like it.

I used to get so absorbed that I would be reading and forget the world.  My stepdad would holler for me and I wouldn't hear him.  He made me jump several feet in the air that first summer.  All he had to do was poke me...

Then Potter Puppet Pals came on youtube and everyone, including myself, loved it.  

A bunch of college kids created A Very Potter Musical, and I was forever changed.  When  A Very Potter Sequel came out, I was waiting on youtube to watch it as they loaded it online.

My friend sent me Wizard People Dear Readers on youtube and I was amused.

I read fanfiction and imagine what my life would be like in the Wizarding world.

I am a nerd.  And I will happily admit it.  I love it though.  I love being this girl.  It makes me happy.  People, especially my boyfriend, make fun of me, but I let it go because I know how awesome it is.

Ashley and Anna came to my house to watch all 7 movies before we go to the premier tonight.  Throughout the movies, we made refrences to all of the above links.  Singing, paraphrasing, ect.  Best.  Night.  Ever.  Until tonight, that is.  I have my wand at the ready and my outfit planned to the T.  It's going to be great.  Don't worry, I'll let you know how it goes.

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